FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the material made from this Chopeira?
Part of the reservoir and bucket, made of aluminum of excellent alloy.
How many meters of cerpentine are there at Chopeira Beer Chopp?
It has 4.5 meters of cerpentine.
How does cerpentine work?
Cerpentine is rolled up in an aspiral form, in aluminum material, then it accommodates the ice to cool the liquid that passes through it.
What is the capacity of the reservoir of the beer cooler?
The capacity of the Chopeira Beer Chopp reservoir is 4,200lt of liquid.
Material that is made of cerpentine?
The material is aluminum tube.
Does Chopeira Beer Chopp need electricity to cool the liquid?
There is no need for electricity, because cerpentine does the job of freezing the liquid.
How much gel to use?
Approximately 1 kg of ground, or cubes.
What is the operation of Chopeira Beer Chopp?
It works in the following way, the liquid is placed on top of it, being careful not to release the gas too much.
Then, the ice cubes are placed on the bottom of it until it covers the cerpentine, finally put on the screw cap, tighten it well and pump 15 to 18 times, and open the tap until the liquid comes out of the tap.
So wait between 3 to 5 minutes for the liquid to freeze to the ideal temperature.
Pump more times as you remove the liquid, to maintain the pressure. Proper.
What is the ideal drink for Chopeira Beer draft beer?
The ideal drink and beer, however, can also be used with the same efficiency, juices, wines, coconut water, soft drinks, tererê, teas.
What is the thermal of this product?
The thermal of this product is plastic bucket (ps) and high density styrofoam and aluminum cerpentine.
What is the material of the hoses placed in this product?
The hose material is virgin silicone (food).
What do you need to clean the Chopeira Beer Chopp after use?
Only clean water repeating the usage process at least 2 times.

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